The Creative Path To The Best Product

For many projects COLMAN-air designs the total Concept Design. After the architect finished his Concept Design the client and COLMAN-air create the Concept for Energy Saving, Health, using way of the building and technical budget.

The last 3 years the International oil price rise more than 100%, and clients who buy or rent the building are taking care of energy consumption in their new- or renovated building.

Not only building materials (glass and outside walls) get extra attention but also energy consumption from all technical installations get attention, because also in China, higher energy price influence the electric energy consumer price and smart buyers and/or companies how rent part of the building pay extra attention for this issue.

Water is scarce and for that expensive, buildings with a high water consumption for technical installations get less popular for new clients.

But also justified and flexible Ventilation Systems clients pay more attention, because of the more and more expensive labor cost, no client want that their own employees get less production or even get sick, because of poor ventilation in the building, because the cost are going on but production is zero.

For that reasons COLMAN-air can give their Clients professional Concept Design in:

  • Vertical transport
  • Electric
  • Lighting
  • Lightning protection
  • Extra Low Voltage
  • Plumbing
  • Fire protection systems
  • HVAC Installations
  • Installation Building Systems